Facts about the Greater Kudu

The antelope with the longest and most impressive horns

Greater kudus are one of the tallest of the African antelopes, and have the longest horns. Only the males have horns, which can reach up to 180cm in length. A fully grown male's horns will have two and a half twists.

Male kuduTheir body colour varies from reddish-brown to blue grey, with distinctive white stripes (between 6 and 10) along their back.  Males also have a beard under their neck. 

Kudus prefer to browse in thickets, which offer protection against predators such as lion. When walking through dense thicket, the male will tilt his head back to lay his horns along his back, so as to move more easily. 

They are very good at detecting danger - not surprising really, given the size of their ears - and when alarmed, they make a gruff 'barking' sound then flee quickly.

Males and females live separately except during the breeding season.  The females live together in small groups, normally 1 - 3 females and their offspring. Calves are born during the rainy season.  Male offspring will leave their mother at around 1½ years of age, and go off to form small bachelor herds.  Female offspring stay with the maternal herd for up to 2 years. 

Despite their size, kudu are exceptionally good jumpers, and can easily clear a 2m bush or fence.