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Survey finds South Africa one of the cheapest countries to visit

Paul Campbell - January 27, 2009

A survey by the Post Office has found that South Africa is one of the cheapest countries to visit.

The Post Office’s Worldwide Holiday Costs barometer measured the cost of tourist staples in 27 countries.

The top 10 cheapest destinations are listed below.

The figure shown is the total cost of buying a cup of coffee, bottle of Heineken and a can of Coco Cola in a cafe, a bottle of mineral water, sun cream, insect repellent from a supermarket, a packet of Marlboro Lights, and a three-course evening meal with wine in a local restaurant.

Prices are the lowest average resort prices.

1. HUNGARY £35.72
3. THAILAND £39.27
4. SOUTH AFRICA £43.18
5. MALAYSIA £45.19
6. TURKEY £52.32
7. BULGARIA £52.52
8. KENYA £52.60
9. CROATIA £61.58
10. SPAIN £64.18

Clearly adding a safari on top of the basics will push the cost of a South Africa holiday up a bit, however the weak Rand and numerous safari special offers mean that safaris are also cheaper this year than last year.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks. Decent blog. I really like the theme. easy on the eyes and good for reading.

    Comment by Alexandre — February 23, 2010 @ 6:45 pm

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