Lake Malawi

The Calendar Lake

Known as the 'Calendar Lake' because of its measurements (365 miles by 52 miles), Lake Malawi is the 3rd largest (surpassed only by Lakes Victoria and Tanganyika) fresh water lake in Africa and the 8th in the world.

Brought to the attention of the western world when it was discovered by Dr David Livingstone, he first described it as a 'lake of stars', with the lanterns from countless fishing boats shining bright on the water at night. He wasn’t wrong, and with the vast African night sky above, this makes this one of the continent's most beautiful locations.

© Mumbo Island CampThe lake is teeming with an array of tropical fish, more than any other freshwater lake on earth. The most notable species is the cichlid, with around 700 different species endemic to the lake, but many believe that figure could be much higher.

This vast body of freshwater provides water sport opportunities for those looking for something beyond sun, sand and swimming. Kayaking, sailing, snorkelling and water-skiing are just some of the lake activities available to visitors, or take a dhow cruise between the islands.

In addition, Malawi's gorgeous Rift Valley scenery is reflected under the waters of the lake - creating a stunning marine landscape of dramatic rock formations, caverns and cliffs. These features make Lake Malawi one of the world's top fresh water scuba dive locations. While the diving and snorkelling not compare to say that of a coral reef, the one advantage is the crystal clear fresh water which is always a pleasant experience to swim in. Additionally, you will have the added benefit of good visibility.

Staying at Lake Malawi can be the perfect ending after a safari in Zambia, giving you the balance of exciting adventure and some much needed beachside R&R.  Most of the properties are on the shoreline with easy access to the lake, but some are located on private islands to offer complete seclusion and exclusivity. A good example of this would be Kaya Mawa, which sits at the head of rocky bay on the southern tip of Likoma Island. 

Malawi itself is known as the 'warm heart of Africa' as the Malawian people are renowned for being extremely friendly and welcoming.

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