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More Information To Help Guests Find The Right Safari

Paul Campbell - December 1, 2008

We are delighted to introduce two new pages of information which are now available for the majority of safari lodges and other properties featured on this site.

Popular Alternatives
Most properties now have a page which shows where people who considered staying there actually ended up booking.  This is a great way of getting more ideas for alternative places to stay in a particular area or on safari, and you can see an example of this on the Popular Alternatives to Notten’s Bush Camp page.

Guests Also Booked…
This page will show you the other places that are most often booked by people who have stayed at a particular property.  Again this is a great way of finding places that might fit with your holiday plans, and you can see an example on the Other places booked by guests who stay at Notten’s Bush Camp page.

We hope you find these new pages interesting!

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