Mwamba Bush Camp

Mwamba Bush Camp

South Luangwa National Park

Mwamba Bush Camp Location Map

Set on the banks of the Mwamba River, a tributary of the Luangwa, Mwamba Bush Camp, sited under huge evergreen ebony trees, enjoys shady views of perennial water-holes.

The nights are filled with wildlife action. Bats and owls (Pearl spotted and Scops in particular) set up the background sounds together with whirring cicadas. Puku and impala alarm calls are often followed by the grunt of a leopard or whoop of a hyena as they pass through camp. Elephants are never far away and are especially fond of the tamarind and ebony fruit within the camp. There are 2 resident hippo in the waterholes that graze on the river bank at night, completing the picture.

The game around Mwamba is excellent - large herds of buffalo, zebra, eland and in particular Cookson’s wildebeest (one of the last herds in the South Luangwa National Park are found on the plains and in the Mopane/Crocodile bark woodlands close to camp). They are followed by the 'Mwamba' lion pride, always on the look out for a snack!

The photographic hides are just one of the elements that make a stay at the bush camp so special. These hides are used regularly by National Geographic, BBC and Discovery channel for numerous photographic shoots and the making of wildlife documentaries. However, these hides are not just for photographers and film makers. They are for anyone who loves wildlife, as they provide an up-close-and-personal view into the lives of the animals, enabling you to watch them undisturbed in their natural environment.

Mwamba Bush Camp takes only 8 guests in 4 reed and thatch chalets, uniquely designed with 2 soaring skylights (protected by mosquito gauze) set into the roof allowing you to experience sleeping under the stars. The en-suite bathroom is open-air and includes a sink, a bucket shower and a flushing toilet.
Each chalet has its own private patio, overlooking the Mwamba riverbed.

As a special activity the camp also offers over-night camp-outs (sleeping open under a net, close to the camp-fire) on request. These trips allow visitors (a maximum of 4) to get a sense of the absolute wildness of the South Luangwa National Park as there are no other camps or trails for miles around.

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Rates Include

All meals; drinks; a laundry service; all game viewing activities (3 x activities per day including walking safaris, game drives, night drives and trips to photographic hides); Park fees; and transfers to/from Mfuwe Airport are included.

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