Kwando Concession

Remote and wild Safari experience

The Kwando Concession, in Northern Botswana, is one of the largest private wildlife concessions in Botswana. 

Currently covering an area of 232,000 hectares, your safari experience here is remote and wild, as only 2 lodges operate in this vast tract of African bush - Lagoon Camp and Lebala Camp.  

With the winding Kwando River as one of its boundaries, the scenery is dominated by vast plains with scattered palms and tree islands backed by wooded savannahs.  This special ecosystem is home to a wide variety of Africa’s plains game such as zebra, wildebeest, impala, giraffe and tsessebe and also provides refuge to lechwe, waterbuck and the shy sitatunga.

Leopard, lion and cheetah are regularly seen on game drives, but they are not the only predators here.  Several packs of wild dog, who need a large terrority in which to hunt, roam the plains as well, and Kwando is fast becoming THE place to visit if wild dog are on your sightings list.

The concession is also renowned for its large elephant population, and especially in the winter season, large herds of elephant come to drink at the river bank.  Herds of buffalo can reach numbers of up to 1,000 strong. 

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